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A blog of random's - random thoughts on random events. A down to earth blog with no creative writing, sentence structure, blah blah blah blah and whatnot! A blog not trying to impress anyone.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

90's music kid

Growing in a music minded family is a thing I cannot forget in my teens. Who wouldn't like to hear the songs of Gloria (Estefan), Selena, The Bangles, New kids on the block, Scorpions, Phil (Colins) and Journey to name a few. To add up to this, during that era I commute to school for about 10miles a day and the means of transpo is a Jeepney (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepney) or we call it Jeeps/Jeep. On that time the operator's installed some heart pounding sound system to keep the passengers mood upbeat due to the afternoon rush hour traffic.

Upon hearing this mix made by DJ Neil Armstrong (http://www.djneilarmstrong.com/blog/) I feel like I was once again on my 90's but the nice thing of this mix is that some songs are something like what you called - the ones we secretly enjoy when nobody is around. The good thing about this is that you won't know the playlist until you bought the cd or if you really like to peek on the list you can always ask Google but where's the suspense in that, right? You can get the online mix here

For about a month now this mix is the only list on my iPod who cares this mix is about an hour long. If you decided to get one done forget to say thanks by following me.


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