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A blog of random's - random thoughts on random events. A down to earth blog with no creative writing, sentence structure, blah blah blah blah and whatnot! A blog not trying to impress anyone.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Be defensive...

Today is just like any other usual day, picking up my kid in school then next travel for about 14.8 miles to pick my wife. A warm day and a less traffic with minimal reckless drivers, we went to jack in the box couple of blocks from her school to get something to eat. While traveling I was on the median lane and driving like a "granny" while munching the curly french fries from Jack in the box when suddenly a 1990 boxtype corolla sedan began to changed lane towards me, my front bumper were just centimeters away from his driver side door, trying to avoid being hit I even went on the oncoming traffic thanks to my quick reflexes we avoided an accident. After that the driver on the corolla just sped his way thru the traffic like nothing happened. Thanks to the curly fries it keeps me calm 'coz usually I would honk a horn and catch up and stare with an aggressive look on reckless drivers.

I've been pondering what that brainless person thinks?, it clearly states on the California drivers handbook when changing lanes, first is to signal, look on the rearview mirror, right side mirror then look over your shoulder, in short just another reckless driver out on the open road. I have encountered this kind of driver numerous times from a female or male driver, old or young. One thing that pisses me off is we don't get to use our horns in here, it's not that we are not allowed but more of a road courtesy. Using a horn can prevent accidents in many ways. When you don't use your horn it's like being courteous versus your ego. I don't mind having no road courtesy as long as I still have my pride and don't get involved in an accident with a broken ego besides it's such a hassle.

To avoid in this kind of situation you must always be a defensive driver anticipate the car in front and behind you know your move to avoid any accidents.

Remember this, you will always meet at the stop light no matter if he/she left you for a mile.

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